Specializing & Helping Clients In

Performance Coaching~ Business Inspiration & Innovation~ Spiritual Connection~ General Personal Development
Soul Journey~ Utilizing sacred & plant medicines for deeper self exploration
Sanctuary~ Preparing the set & setting for optimal session quality
Holding Space~ Supporting your inward journey of self discovery
Deeper~ Utilizing Sacred & Plant Medicine to attain deeper self awareness
Self Discovery~ Understanding the multiple facets of your role this lifetime
When you visit this website and use its content, you are fully responsible for any experimentation or substance intake into your body. Anara provides her experience for informational purposes only and is not responsible for how viewers interpret or use the information. It is advisable to consult a healthcare provider before taking any sacred or plant medicines due to potential adverse reactions. Soul Medicine Journeys are not recommended for people with specific medical conditions or taking certain medications. Anara does not supply or help obtain Plant Medicines, and clients are responsible for ensuring the purity and safety of their medicine. Before each session, liability waivers must be signed to ensure that every client is fully aware of the contraindications.
MicroDose Soul Journey Service
What Is It? What Can I Expect? How Do I Do It Responsibly?
Do you want to safely and easily explore the world of Plant Medicine? Anara offers a personalized checklist and consultation to guide you through the process.
For $100, you can have a 1 hour video consultation or for $300, Anara can sit with you during your first session to provide guidance and support.
Full Day Soul Journey Retreat
If you are seeking to elevate your performance skills or take your business to the next level, Soul Journeys can assist you in achieving your goals. Our services are also available for individuals seeking personal development in various areas of their lives, including, career, relationships, and motivation.
Your Personal Retreat fee is $997, which includes 14 hours of service, including a pre-session prep call, a 10-hour Journey Session, and two follow-up integration check-in calls. To determine if our services are suitable for your needs, please contact Anara for a complimentary 30-minute consultation. Please note that virtual sitting services are only available for experienced clients.
Multi Day Soul Journey Retreat
Experience a deep dive service that is similar to the one day retreat for 3, 5, or 7 days. To start the application process, kindly get in touch with Anara directly with the link below to discuss a personalized plan for your next Soul Journey Retreat.
Additional Soul Journey Benefits

"All your answers lay deep within and it's my greatest honour to help you in going inward to access them."
~Anara Kashna
Anara's Soul Journey Testimonials:
"Anara is a fantastic sitter for spiritual work using various plant medicines. She has sat for me for a single session and for a couples session with my partner. She was warm, friendly, flexible, professional, compassionate and non-judgmental. I felt safe and cared for and it was great to have someone there while I went through my journey. She brought water and other things I needed as I went through my journey - so helpful. Her couples work was fantastic as well, making sure both parties got an equal chance to speak. She did not impose any ideas - only the ground rules to make a safe journey before hand.
I very highly recommend her services. Worth every penny!" ~SM
"Anara: A gifted sitter.... respectful & honouring of the sacredness of the medicine and the spiritual setting. I felt nurtured and cared for as she lovingly attended to my needs during the journey. Anara's intuitive readiness, encouragement and reassurance was comforting. Her clarity and guidance helping me formulate my intentions for the journey was invaluable to me." ~AC
"My Soul Journey experience with Anara was life changing. She and the medicine helped with unresolved childhood traumas that led to adult dysfunctions in my relationships. Finally 3 years ago it all came to a head. I tried a variety of healing modalities that only had temporary relief. My first Soul Journey session with Anara started a deep lasting relief from those traumas. Other traumas then unfolded over the next year and a half as well as completing my understanding the facets of the original trauma. Today I have found relief in a reduction of anxiety and random irrationalities that have been greatly reduced. I no longer obsess on things allowing me to work on things as they come up in a rational way. Anara's Soul Journey Session was a pivotal point to address my trauma. In working with Anara I felt trust, purpose, guided, intentional that got me tangible results. I admittedly was anxious going into this process as I was not used to using medicines for therapeutic structure.
This is definitely Anara's calling as she's a natural." ~SY
"Anara exudes a beautiful kind loving compassionate way about her and her approach to the Soul Journeys. I felt supportive healing releasing in a safe and non judgmental environment with her. Anara also has a soothing voice and energy as she supported me with her hand laying on my stomach arm and hand for comfort as I released tears as I let go of some emotions. She took notes in my journal for me to be able to look at later and integrate on. Anara also used some clearing statements near the end of our session that were very beneficial and a good finale to the day." ~MB
"I had first come across certain rituals involving psychedelics in South America, but the context didn't appeal to me. Talking with Anara about her journey, and reading the book 'The body keeps the score' by Bessel Van Der Kolk, I started to become aware of the history, concept and possibilities of psychedelic-assisted therapy on a one-to-one basis. I had done about 3 years of psychotherapy up to that point, some sessions of hypnotherapy and I felt somewhat stuck with the processing of certain childhood memories & associated trauma. The main gifts I feel Anara gave me with our sessions is the gift of her time, of creating a safe, open space for processing all feelings that needed come up, and her creativity to act as a loving non judgmental guide throughout that process.
I think because of her previous experience with psychedelics and of her personal journey, I felt she was wonderfully attuned to understanding the power of Medicine to give you the experience that you need at a specific point in time, while also helping preparing for the journey, being supportive and guiding you through, and allowing time for integration after. Her gentle presence during the journey helped with reassurance and with moving through some of the more uncomfortable emotions, I really felt that having a guide and a witness on which to lean on during a journey made a huge difference to my ability to trust and fully let the medicine work though me. I felt that Anara really understood some of the darker scripts or stories that the medicine allows us to work through, and her deep trust in my capacity to go through whatever was shown to me during the journey was a strength I often relied on. Lastly, her creativity, openness and willingness to embrace all ideas during the journeys helped to create a space that felt very inclusive, trusting, and true. A sacred space." ~AC
Sacred & Plant Medicine Resources:
Links to Leaders in Psychedelics
Recommended Reading On Psychedelics

"Ever wonder why our Creator would have sprinkled Magic Mushrooms all over the planet?"

Additional Next Level Resources

"Here's a list of my top recommendations of mentors to like and follow! My life is immeasurably richer from all of their influences in my life! Find them and their content all on YouTube!"
~Anara Kashna

“Meditation opens the door between the conscious and subconscious minds. We meditate to enter the operating system of the subconscious, where all of those unwanted habits and behaviours reside, and change them to more productive modes to support us in our lives. Now you are mastering your environment, your body, and time.”
~Dr. Joe Dispenza

"A sticky note on the fridge is just a suggestion...
REPETITION is the key to changing your programming."
~Dr. Bruce Lipton

"What I am discovering is sitting with your eyes closed for a while is one of the most productive things you can do on the planet. To me, one week of sitting with your eyes closed and observing the thoughts is more effective, impactful, financially rewarding, productive, fulfilling than 10 years at a job that you don't like."
~Kyle Cease

“Do I live my life according to my own deepest truths, or in order to fulfill someone else’s expectations? How much of what I have believed and done is actually my own and how much has been in service to a self-image I originally created in the belief it was necessary to please my parents?”
~Dr. Gabor Maté
"I see the mycelium as the Earth's natural Internet, a consciousness with which we might be able to communicate. Through cross-species interfacing, we may one day exchange information with these sentient cellular networks. Because these externalized neurological nets sense any impression upon them, from footsteps to falling tree branches, they could relay enormous amounts of data regarding the movements of all organisms through the landscape."
~Paul Stamets
“Stop looking outside for help. You’re sourced and fuelled and funded by a renewable resource, which is within you. It never runs out. It is your Essence. It’s your life.”
~Michael Beckwith
"Just as putting a gender on a being limits in some way the way we think about the being. By putting any kind of label on anything, we limit it."
~Dolores Cannon
“Whatever you’re thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you’re worrying, you are planning. When you’re appreciating, you are planning… What are you planning?”
~Abraham & Esther Hicks
The Power Of The Human Mind
Now Watch This Miracle Unfold In Real Time
Luke Chan filmed this healing in 1996 at The Medicineless Hospital in China - now closed. It shows a patient's bladder cancer tumor apparently disappearing, as the Zhineng doctors send Qi to resolve the illness.
Quantum Mechanics Double Slit Experiment
Why It Matters... Let This One Really Sink In! MUST SEE!

"Discovering the therapeutic use of Sacred & Plant Medicines has been the biggest game changer of my life. I was able to relieve myself of years of stored trauma and get to the other side in a fraction of the time that talk therapy alone had allowed me. Microdosing has supported me in maintaining and moving forward toward a life of thriving instead of just surviving. It's not fast therapy, but it's the fastest I've experienced."